Disability & Spinal Disorder in Office

In our modern world, one major cause of disability (mild to severe) in the office-working population is Spinal Disorder.
Accidents at work is what most will think is the cause of most spinal disorders.
Fact is, it is the lack of movement...being stuck in a fixed position for long hours everyday, that leads to spinal disorders.

According to CDA's 2013 Long-Term Disability Claims Review12:
Musculoskeletal/connective tissue disorders ranked at the top in the leading causes of new disability claims in 2012.
With our nervous system working closely with our musculoskeletal network, disorders of the nervous system and sense organs ranked second at- The most common causes of existing disability claims in 2012.

This can be prevented or improved with simple actions from you at work and after work.
- Unstuck yourself from that fixed position frequently (half hour max) to stretch and move.
- Get help with Chiropractic to mobilize and align your spinal joints.
- Work out to strengthen your core muscles to support your spine better.

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