Do you suffer from frequent infection of all sorts?
- Flu, cough, poor digestive system, or infection of the eye & urinary tract...

Instead of relying on medication to fix the symptoms, why not build your immunity against (prevent) the problem?

Besides natural approaches like eating well and exercising to boost your immune system-

People under regular chiropractic care:

> have a 400% stronger immune system than people with cancer (not under chiropractic care);

> and a 200% stronger immune system than 'healthy' non-cancer group (also not under chiropractic care).

~ research done by Ronald Pero, PhD, at New York University.

People under chiropractic care also take significantly less medication. With better nutrition, exercise and mental well-being; all these factors play a major role in increasing immunity.

Are you being pro-active in building a stronger immune system and win the war against infection?

Read more in HEALTH FACTS @