Sit or Stand?
Which one is the ideal Workstation?

Ideally, both.
Have a workstation that you can choose to Sit or Stand to do your work.
If you can only have one, that's fine too. The key to a great workstation is not just about ergonomics and adopting proper posture, it's MOVEMENT.
Long hours without moving much at your workstation, compounded by improper ergonomics and poor posture have resulted to a host of musculoskeletal disorders (like back and joint pain), suffered by many office workers and students.
Therefore, whether you have a sitting or standing workstation, remember to MOVE your body.
Some examples:
. changing the position of your legs/feet frequently;
. standing up to stretch or walk;
. sitting down to rest if it's a standing workstation;
. stretching and twisting the upper body while seated…
Movement (especially of the spine) stimulates brain function and promotes fluid and oxygen circulation. It will also prevent and reduce muscle, spinal and joint stiffness.
Of course, do also ensure the following for a wholesome ideal workstation:
. Proper ergonomics with computer screen at eye-level, adjustable chair and table etc.
. Adopting optimal posture while at work.
Share this with your peers now and have a great time at your ultimate WORKSTATION!
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